Friday, July 2, 2010

whoa whoa 90 miles newwww recorrrddd

Hey guys i rode 90 miles today!!! And now that we're finally in flat flat flat country, it wasn't hard at all! So now we're in Dayton, Ohio - pretty interesting place. They are one of two cities in Ohio to be officially declared 'Bike Friendly' by some cyclists' association, and when we were walking downtown explaining Bike and Build to a random person, we ran into a man who is running whatever the Dayton Biking movement is. There is even a commuters' bike hub in town where you can lock up your bike indoors and shower and change for work and everything! They also had a big street fair today called the 'City Folk' Festival...pretty cool. Also, around 8:30 pm, Noam and I were walking looking for a convenience store to buy some skin lotion (gotta keep up with that sunburn and those attractive tan lines...) so we asked a nice looking middle-aged woman where one would be. She tentatively gave us directions, but also warned that we maybe should not be in this section of town after six pm and that it was rather sketchy. We couldn't find the convenience store, and the other one she pointed us to was closed, but walking back WE SAW HER TRYING TO BREAK INTO A CAR WITH A CLOTHES HANGER that she had been fiddling with earlier. HAH. Learning plenty of things...

The ride today was just really flat, pretty cornfields etc. We stopped for lunch about 50 miles in at the house of parents of a former BnBer. The food was great. The rest of the ride was uneventful as well. The only rough parts were negotiating COlumbus traffic in the morning (and terribly laid-out streets in some places...) and Dayton highways and exits in the afternoon. But it was almost all uneventful and pretty and easy. Also the Dayton Habitat group that is hosting us is incredibly nice and friendly and helpful, big shoutout to them. And to SInclair Community College for hosting us and buying us dinner (a lot of it, by necessity...), and to the bike commuting hub for giving me some free (and mold-free, more importantly...) water bottles.

Also I wrote a song about bike and build!

Let me tell you all a story about Bike and Build
Where we cycle 'cross America and try not to get killed.
We might use your restrooms or might borrow a pot
But either way you've got to say spandex is hotttttt

If you're biking across the nation then you'd better have a cause
More than donation magic and stuffing full your jaws
So we say our cause is Affordable Housing
And whatever other ideals we might be espousing

Every night we roll into a new host
They feel our muscles and we try not to boast
But we really miss our mothers
Some of us, significant others
All part of the journey from coast to coast

Once a week we circle up for a family meeting
We all share highs and lows and butt pats count as greetings
Sometimes we give long shoutouts, Talking about disastrous routes
Ends with a group massage train and then we go on eating!

ps, the song doesn't really mention the biking. but it rocks. as do the people and their amazing stories, make the miles fly by!

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